Eric Evans, "Distillation", in Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, 397-437.Distillation is the process of separating the components of a mixture to extract the essence in a form that makes it more valuable and useful. A model is a distillation of knowledge. With every refactoring to deeper insight, we abstract some crucial aspect of domain knowledge and priorities. Now, stepping back for a strategic view, this chapter looks at ways to distinguish broad swaths of the model and distill the domain model as a whole.
Strategic distillation of a domain model does all of the following:
- Aids all team members in grasping the overall design of the system and how it fits together
- Facilitates communication by identifying a core model of manageable size to enter the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE
- Guides refactoring
- Focuses work on areas of the model with the most value
- Guides outsourcing, use of off-the-shelf components, and decisions about assignments
A system that is hard to understand is hard to change. The effect of a change is hard to foresee. A developer who wanders outside his or her own area of familiarity gets lost. (This is particularly true when bringing new people into a team, but even an established member of the team will struggle unless code is very expressive and organized.) This forces people to specialize. When developers confine their work to specific modules, it further reduces knowledge transfer. With the compartmentalization of work, smooth integration of the system suffers, and flexibility in assigning work is lost. Duplication crops up when a developer does not realize that a behavior already exists elsewhere, and so the system becomes even more complex.
Those are some of the consequences of any design that is hard to understand, but there is another, equally serious risk from losing the big picture of the domain: The harsh reality is that not all parts of the design are going to be equally refined. Priorities must be set. To make the domain model an asset, the model's critical core has to be sleek and fully leveraged to create application functionality. But scarce, highly skilled developers tend to gravitate to technical infrastructure or neatly definable domain problems that can be understood without specialized domain knowledge.
Such parts of the system seem interesting to computer scientists, and are perceived to build transferable professional skills and provide better resume material. The specialized core, that part of the model that really differentiates the application and makes it a business asset, typically ends up being put together by less skilled developers who work with DBAs to create a data schema and then code feature-by-feature without drawing on any conceptual power in the model at all.
Poor design or implementation of this part of the software leads to an application that never does compelling things for the users, no matter how well the technical infrastructure works, no matter how nice the supporting features are. This insidious problem can take root when a project lacks a sharp picture of the overall design and the relative significance of the various parts.
Boil the model down. Find the CORE DOMAIN and provide a means of easily distinguishing it from the mass of supporting model and code. Bring the most valuable and specialized concepts into sharp relief. Make the CORE small.
Apply top talent to the CORE DOMAIN, and recruit accordingly. Spend the effort in the CORE to find a deep model and develop a supple design—sufficient to fulfill the vision of the system. Justify investment in any other part by how it supports the distilled CORE.
Distilling the CORE DOMAIN is not easy, but it does lead to some easy decisions. You'll put a lot of effort into making your CORE distinctive, while keeping the rest of the design as generic as is practical. If you need to keep some aspect of your design secret as a competitive advantage, it is the CORE DOMAIN . There is no need to waste effort concealing the rest. And whenever a choice has to be made (due to time limitations) between two desirable refactorings, the one that most affects the CORE DOMAIN should be chosen first.
Who Does The Work?
[...] creating distinctive software comes back to a stable team accumulating specialized knowledge and crunching it into a rich model. No shortcuts. No magic bullets.
There is a part of your model that you would like to take for granted. It is undeniably part of the domain model, but it abstracts concepts that would probably be needed for a great many businesses.
Often a great deal of effort is spent on peripheral issues in the domain. I personally have witnessed two separate projects that have employed their best developers for weeks in redesigning dates and times with time zones. While such components must work, they are not the conceptual core of the system.
Even if such a generic model element is deemed critical, the overall domain model needs to make prominent the most valueadding and special aspects of your system, and needs to be structured to give that part as much power as possible. This is hard to do when the CORE is mixed with all the interrelated factors.
Identify cohesive subdomains that are not the motivation for your project. Factor out generic models of these subdomains and place them in separate MODULES. Leave no trace of your specialties in them.
Once they have been separated, give their continuing development lower priority than the CORE DOMAIN, and avoid assigning your core developers to the tasks (because they will gain little domain knowledge from them). Also onsider off-the-shelf solutions or published models for these GENERIC SUBDOMAINS.
Generic Doesn't Mean Reusable
Note that while I have emphasized the generic quality of these subdomains, I have not mentioned the reusability of code. Off-the-shelf solutions may or may not make sense for a particular situation, but assuming that you are implementing the code yourself, in-house or outsourced, you should specifically not concern yourself with the reusability of that code. This would go against the basic motivation of distillation: that you should be applying as much of your effort to the CORE DOMAIN as possible and investing in supporting GENERIC SUB-DOMAINS only as necessary.
Reuse does happen, but not always code reuse. The model reuse is often a better level of reuse, as when you use a published design or model. And if you have to create your own model, it may well be valuable in a later related project. But while the concept of such a model may be applicable to many situations, you do not have to develop the model in its full generality. You can model and implement only the part you need for your business.
Project Risk Management
Agile processes typically call for managing risk by tackling the riskiest tasks early. XP specifically calls for getting an end-to-end system up and running immediately. This initial system often proves a technical architecture, and it is tempting to build a peripheral system that handles some supporting GENERIC SUBDOMAIN because these are usually easier to analyze. But be careful; this can defeat the purpose of risk management.
Therefore, except when the team has proven skills and the domain is very familiar, the first-cut system should be based on some part of the CORE DOMAIN, however simple.
The same principle applies to any process that tries to push high-risk tasks forward: the CORE DOMAIN is high risk because it is often unexpectedly difficult and because without it, the project cannot succeed.
Write a short description (about one page) of the CORE DOMAIN and the value it will bring, the "value proposition". Ignore those aspects that do not distinguish this domain model from others. Show how the domain model serves and balances diverse interests. Keep it narrow. Write this statement early and revise it as you gain new insight.
Even though team members may know broadly what constitutes the CORE DOMAIN, different people won't pick out quite the same elements, and even the same person won't be consistent from one day to the next. The mental labor of onstantly filtering the model to identify the key parts absorbs concentration better spent on design thinking, and it requires comprehensive knowledge of the model. The CORE DOMAIN must be made easier to see.
Any technique that makes it easy for everyone to know the CORE DOMAIN will do. Two specific techniques can represent this class of solutions.
The Distillation Document
Write a very brief document (three to seven sparse pages) that describes the CORE DOMAIN and the primary interactions among CORE elements.
The Flagged CORE
Flag the elements of the CORE DOMAIN within the primary repository of the model, without particularly trying to elucidate its role. Make it effortless for a developer to know what is in or out of the CORE.
The Distillation Document as Process Tool
If the distillation document outlines the essentials of the CORE DOMAIN, then it serves as a practical indicator of the significance of a model change. When a model or code change affects the distillation document, it requires consultation with other team members. When the change is made, it requires immediate notification of all team members, and the dissemination of a new version of the document. Changes outside the CORE or to details not included in the distillation document can be integrated without consultation or notification and will be encountered by other members in the course of their work. Then the developers have the full autonomy that XP suggests.
Although the VISION STATEMENT and HIGHLIGHTED CORE inform and guide, they do not actually modify the model or the code itself. Partitioning GENERIC SUBDOMAINS physically removes some distracting elements. The next patterns ook at ways to structurally change the model and the design itself to make the CORE DOMAIN more visible and manageable....
Partition a conceptually COHESIVE MECHANISM into a separate lightweight framework. Particularly watch for formalisms or well-documented categories of algorithms. Expose the capabilities of the framework with an INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACE. Now the other elements of the domain can focus on expressing the problem ("what"), delegating the intricacies of the solution ("how") to the framework.
Recognizing a standard algorithm or formalism moves some of the complexity of the design into a studied set of concepts. With such a guide, we can implement a solution with confidence and little trial and error. We can count on other developers knowing about it or at least being able to look it up. This is similar to the benefits of a published GENERIC SUBDOMAIN model, but a documented algorithm or formal computation may be found more often because this level of computer science has been studied more. Still, more often than not you will have to create something new. Make it narrowly focused on the computation and avoid mixing in the expressive domain model. There is a separation of responsibilities: The model of the CORE DOMAIN or a GENERIC SUBDOMAIN formulates a fact, rule, or problem. A COHESIVE MECHANISM resolves the rule or completes the computation as specified by the model.
Example — A Mechanism in an Organization Chart
I went through this process on a project that needed a fairly elaborate model of an organization chart.
A subcontractor implemented a graph traversal framework as a COHESIVE MECHANISM.
Now the organization model could simply state, using standard graph terminology, that each person is a node, and that each relationship between people is an edge (arc) connecting those nodes.
Keeping mechanism and model separate allowed a declarative style of describing organizations that was much clearer. And the intricate code for graph manipulation was isolated in a purely mechanistic framework, based on proven algorithms, that could be maintained and unit tested in isolation.
Example — Full Circle: Organization Chart Reabsorbs Its MECHANISM
Actually, a year after we completed the organization model in the previous example, other developers redesigned it to eliminate the separation of the graph framework.
Still, they retained the declarative public interface of the organization model. They even kept the MECHANISM encapsulated, within the organizational ENTITIES.
These full circles are common, but they do not return to their starting point. The end result is usually a deeper model that more clearly differentiates facts, goals, and MECHANISMS. Pragmatic refactoring retains the important virtues of the intermediate stages while shedding the unneeded complications.
Distilling to a Declarative Style
The value of distillation is being able to see what you are doing: cutting to the essence without being distracted by irrelevant detail.
A deep model often comes with a corresponding supple design. When a supple design reaches maturity, it provides an easily understood set of elements that can be combined unambiguously to accomplish complex tasks or express complex information, just as words are combined into sentences. At that point, client code takes on a declarative style and can be much more distilled.
Refactor the model to separate the CORE concepts from supporting players (including ill defined ones) and strengthen the cohesion of the CORE while reducing its coupling to other code. Factor all generic or supporting elements into other objects and place them into other packages, even if this means refactoring the model in ways that separate highly coupled elements.
This is basically taking the same principles we applied to GENERIC SUBDOMAINS but from the other direction. The cohesive subdomains that are central to our application can be identified and partitioned into coherent packages of their own. What is done with the undifferentiated mass left behind is important, but not as important. It can be left more or less where it was, or placed into packages based on prominent classes. Eventually, more and more of the residue can be factored into GENERIC SUBDOMAINS , but in the short term any easy solution will do, just so the focus on the SEGREGATED CORE is retained.
The Costs of Creating a SEGREGATED CORE
Segregating the CORE will sometimes make relationships with tightly coupled non- CORE classes more obscure or even more complicated, but that cost is outweighed by the benefit of clarifying the CORE DOMAIN and making it much easier to work on.
The SEGREGATED CORE will let you enhance the cohesion of that CORE DOMAIN. There are many meaningful ways of breaking down a model, and sometimes in the creation of a SEGREGATED CORE a nicely cohesive MODULE may be broken, sacrificing that cohesion for the sake of bringing out the cohesiveness of the CORE DOMAIN. This is a net gain, because the greatest value-added of enterprise software comes from the enterprise-specific aspects of the model.
The other cost, of course, is that segregating the CORE is a lot of work. It must be acknowledged that a decision to go to a SEGREGATED CORE will potentially absorb developers in changes all over the system.
The time to chop out a SEGREGATED CORE is when you have a large BOUNDED CONTEXT that is critical to the system, but where the essential part of the model is being obscured by a great deal of supporting capability.
Evolving Team Decision
As with many strategic design decisions, an entire team must move to a SEGREGATED CORE together. This step requires a team decision process and a team disciplined and coordinated enough to carry out the decision. The challenge is to constrain everyone to use the same definition of the CORE while not freezing that decision. Because the CORE DOMAIN evolves just like every other aspect of a design, experience working with a SEGREGATED CORE will lead to new insights into what is essential and what is a supporting element. Those insights should feed back into a refined definition of the CORE DOMAIN and of the SEGREGATED CORE MODULES.
This means that new insights must be shared with the team on an ongoing basis, but an individual (or programming pair) cannot act on those insights unilaterally. Whatever the process is for joint decisions, whether consensus or team leader directive, it must be agile enough to make repeated course corrections. Communication must be effective enough to keep everyone together in one view of the CORE.
When there is a lot of interaction between subdomains in separate MODULES, either many references will have to be created between MODULES , which defeats much of the value of the partitioning, or the interaction will have to be made indirect, which makes the model obscure.
Consider slicing horizontally rather than vertically.
Identify the most fundamental concepts in the model and factor them into distinct classes, abstract classes, or interfaces. Design this abstract model so that it expresses most of the interaction between significant components. Place this abstract overall model in its own MODULE, while the specialized, detailed implementation classes are left in their own MODULES defined by subdomain.
The process of factoring out the ABSTRACT CORE is not mechanical. For example, if all the classes that were frequently referenced across MODULES were automatically moved into a separate MODULE, the likely result would be a meaningless mess. Modeling an ABSTRACT CORE requires a deep understanding of the key concepts and the roles they play in the major interactions of the system. In other words, it is an example of refactoring to deeper insight. And it usually requires considerable redesign.
The ABSTRACT CORE should end up looking a lot like the distillation document (if both were used on the same project, and the distillation document had evolved with the application as insight deepened). Of course, the ABSTRACT CORE will be written in code, and therefore more rigorous and more complete.
Deep Models Distill
Distillation does not operate only on the gross level of separating parts of the domain away from the CORE . It also means refining those subdomains, especially the CORE DOMAIN , through continuously refactoring toward deeper insight, driving toward a deep model and supple design. The goal is a design that makes the model obvious, a model that expresses the domain simply. A deep model distills the most essential aspects of a domain into simple elements that can be combined to solve the important problems of the application.
Although a breakthrough to a deep model provides value anywhere it happens, it is in the CORE DOMAIN that it can change the trajectory of an entire project.
Choosing Refactoring Targets
When you encounter a large system that is poorly factored, where do you start? In the XP community, the answer tends to be either one of these:
- Just start anywhere, because it all has to be refactored.
- Start wherever it is hurting. I'll refactor what I need to in order to get my specific task done.
I don't hold with either of these. The first is impractical except in a few projects staffed entirely with top programmers. The second tends to pick around the edges, treating symptoms and ignoring root causes, shying away from the worst tangles. Eventually the code becomes harder and harder to refactor.
So, if you can't do it all, and you can't be pain-driven, what do you do?
- In a pain-driven refactoring, you look to see if the root involves the CORE DOMAIN or the relationship of the CORE to a supporting element. If it does, you bite the bullet and fix that first.
- When you have the luxury of refactoring freely, you focus first on better factoring of the CORE DOMAIN , on improving the segregation of the CORE , and on purifying supporting subdomains to be GENERIC.
This is how to get the most bang for your refactoring buck.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
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