Eric Evans, "Supple Design", in Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, 270-283.Declarative design
This term means many things to many people, but usually it indicates a way to write a program, or some part of a program, as a kind of executable specification. A very precise description of properties actually controls the software. In its various forms, this could be done through a reflection mechanism or at compile time through code generation (producing conventional code automatically, based on the declaration). This approach allows another developer to take the declaration at face value. It is an absolute guarantee.
Generating a running program from a declaration of model properties is a kind of Holy Grail of MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, but it does have its pitfalls in practice. For example, here are just two particular problems I've encountered more than once.
- A declaration language not expressive enough to do everything needed, but a framework that makes it very difficult to extend the software beyond the automated portion
- Code-generation techniques that cripple the iterative cycle by merging generated code into handwritten code in a way that makes regeneration very destructive
The unintended consequence of many attempts at declarative design is the dumbing-down of the model and application, as developers, trapped by the limitations of the framework, enact design triage in order to get something delivered.
Rule-based programming with an inference engine and a rule base is another promising approach to declarative design. Unfortunately, subtle issues can undermine this intention. Although a rules-based program is declarative in principle, most systems have "control predicates" that were added to allow performance tuning. This control code introduces side effects, so that the behavior is no longer dictated completely by the declared rules. Adding, removing, or reordering the rules can cause unexpected, incorrect results. Therefore, a logic programmer has to be careful to keep the effect of code obvious, just as an object programmer does.
Many declarative approaches can be corrupted if the developers bypass them intentionally or unintentionally. This is likely when the system is difficult to use or overly restrictive. Everyone has to follow the rules of the framework in order to get the benefits of a declarative program.
The greatest value I've seen delivered has been when a narrowly scoped framework automates a particularly tedious and error-prone aspect of the design, such as persistence and object-relational mapping. The best of these unburden developers of drudge work while leaving them complete freedom to design.
Domain-specific languages
An interesting approach that is sometimes declarative is the domain-specific language. In this style, client code is written in a programming language tailored to a particular model of a particular domain. For example, a language for shipping systems might include terms such as cargo and route, along with syntax for associating them. The program is then compiled, often into a conventional object-oriented language, where a library of classes provides implementations for the terms in the language.
In such a language, programs can be extremely expressive, and make the strongest connection with the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. This is an exciting concept, but domain-specific languages also have their drawbacks in the approaches I've seen based on object-oriented technology.
To refine the model, a developer needs to be able to modify the language. This may involve modifying grammar declarations and other language-interpreting features, as well as modifying underlying class libraries. I'm all in favor of learning advanced technology and design concepts, but we have to soberly assess the skills of a particular team, as well as the likely skills of future maintenance teams. Also, there is value in the seamlessness of an application and a model implemented in the same language. Another drawback is that it can be difficult to refactor client code to conform to a revised model and its associated domain-specific language. Of course, someone may come up with a technical fix for the refactoring problems.
This technique might be most useful for very mature models, perhaps where client code is being written by a different team. Generally, such setups lead to the poisonous distinction between highly technical framework builders and technically unskilled application builders, but it doesn't have to be that way.
A declarative style of design
Once your design has INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACES, SIDE-EFFECT-FREE FUNCTIONS, and ASSERTIONS, you are edging into declarative territory. Many of the benefits of declarative design are obtained once you have combinable elements that communicate their meaning, and have characterized or obvious effects, or no observable effects at all.
A supple design can make it possible for the client code to use a declarative style of design.
Angles of attack
This chapter has presented a raft of techniques to clarify the intent of code, to make the consequences of using it transparent, and to decouple model elements. Even so, this kind of design is difficult. You can't just look at an enormous system and say, "Let's make this supple." You have to choose targets. Here are a couple of broad approaches [...].
Carve off subdomains
You just can't tackle the whole design at once. Pick away at it. Some aspects of the system will suggest approaches to you, and they can be factored out and worked over. You may see a part of the model that can be viewed as specialized math; separate that. Your application enforces complex rules restricting state changes; pull this out into a separate model or simple framework that lets you declare the rules. With each such step, not only is the new module clean, but also the part left behind is smaller and clearer. Part of what's left is written in a declarative style, a declaration in terms of the special math or validation framework, or whatever form the subdomain takes.
It is more useful to make a big impact on one area, making a part of the design really supple, than to spread your efforts thin.
Draw on established formalisms, when you can
Creating a tight conceptual framework from scratch is something you can't do every day. Sometimes you discover and refine one of these over the course of the life of a project. But you can often use and adapt conceptual systems that are long established in your domain or others, some of which have been refined and distilled over centuries. Many business applications involve accounting, for example. Accounting defines a well-developed set of ENTITIES and rules that make for an easy adaptation to a deep model and a supple design.
There are many such formalized conceptual frameworks, but my personal favorite is math. It is surprising how useful it can be to pull out some twist on basic arithmetic. Many domains include math somewhere. Look for it. Dig it out. Specialized math is clean, combinable by clear rules, and people find it easy to understand.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Supple design II
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