Saturday, September 26, 2020

List of books (3rd edition)

  • Book cover
    Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition)

    Refactoring is one of those books that contains a lot of useful and practical wisdom. Martin Fowler presents the techniques of refactoring as a set of well-defined mechanics that can (and should) be applied to daily programming to improve the readability and maintainability of existing codebases. I had a good experience reading it from cover to cover. However, I think it would be equally good to read only the first few chapters in order, leaving the catalog to be read later as each refactoring is needed.
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    The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change

    The Manager's Path guides you through a journey from learning how to be managed to the complexities of being a CTO. With an articulate writing style, Camille Fournier shares excellent words of wisdom and, as she focuses specifically on engineering management, delivers content that is much more valuable to technologists than generic management books. Even those software engineers who do not intend to pursue a management career will benefit greatly from reading the book, especially the early chapters on how to be managed, what to expect from a manager, mentoring and being a tech lead.
  • Book cover
    Building Evolutionary Architectures: Support Constant Change

    Rebecca Parsons and her colleagues do a great job bringing many concepts and ideas from evolutionary computing — and biological evolution in general — into the world of software architecture. They don't take a position of defending their approach as the best way (or the right way) to build software, but rather show what kind of considerations should be made if a software architect or engineering team wants to put architectural evolution among their priorities when developing systems. Highly recommended.

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