Saturday, August 28, 2021

Refactoring toward deeper insight II

Refactoring toward deeper insight is a multifaceted process. It will be helpful to stop for a moment to pull together the major points.


Refactoring toward deeper insight can begin in many ways. It may be a response to a problem in the code — some complexity or awkwardness. Rather than apply a standard transformation of the code, the developers sense that the root of the problem is in the domain model. Perhaps a concept is missing. Maybe some relationship is wrong.

In a departure from the conventional view of refactoring, this same realization could come when the code looks tidy, if the language of the model seems disconnected from the domain experts, or if new requirements are not fitting in naturally. Refactoring might result from learning, as a developer who has gained deeper understanding sees an opportunity for a more lucid or useful model.

Seeing the trouble spot is often the hardest and most uncertain part. After that, developers can systematically seek out the elements of a new model. They can brainstorm with colleagues and domain experts. They can draw on systematized knowledge written as analysis patterns or design patterns.

Exploration teams

Whatever the source of dissatisfaction, the next step is to seek a refinement that will make the model communicate clearly and naturally. This might require only some modest change that is immediately evident and can be accomplished in a few hours. In that case, the change resembles traditional refactoring. But the search for a new model may well call for more time and the involvement of more people.

There are a few keys to keeping this process productive.

  • Self-determination. A small team can be assembled on the fly to explore a design problem. The team can operate for a few days and then disband. There is no need for long-term, elaborate organizational structures.
  • Scope and sleep. Two or three short meetings spaced out over a few days should produce a design worth trying. Dragging it out doesn't help. If you get stuck, you may be taking on too much at once. Pick a smaller aspect of the design and focus on that.
  • Exercising the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Involving the other team members — particularly the subject matter expert — in the brain-storming session creates an opportunity to exercise and refine the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE . The end result of the effort is a refinement of that LANGUAGE which the original developer(s) will take back and formalize in code.

Earlier chapters in this book have presented several dialogs in which developers and domain experts probe for better models. A full-blown brainstorming session is dynamic, unstructured, and incredibly productive.

Prior art

You can get ideas from books and other sources of knowledge about the domain itself. Although the people in the field may not have created a model suitable for running software, they may well have organized the concepts and found some useful abstractions. Feeding the knowledge-crunching process this way leads to richer, quicker results that also will probably seem more familiar to domain experts.

A design for developers

Software isn't just for users. It's also for developers. Developers have to integrate code with other parts of the system. In an iterative process, developers change the code again and again.

A supple design helps limit mental overload, primarily by reducing dependencies and side effects. It is based on a deep model of the domain that is fine-grained only where most critical to the users. This makes for flexibility where change is most common, and simplicity elsewhere.


If you wait until you can make a complete justification for a change, you've waited too long. Your project is already incurring heavy costs, and the postponed changes will be harder to make because the target code will have been more elaborated and more embedded in other code.

Continuous refactoring has come to be considered a "best practice," but most project teams are still too cautious about it. They see the risk of changing code and the cost of developer time to make a change; but what's harder to see is the risk of keeping an awkward design and the cost of working around that design. Developers who want to refactor are often asked to justify the decision. Although this seems reasonable, it makes an already difficult thing impossibly difficult, and tends to squelch refactoring (or drive it underground). Software development is not such a predictable process that the benefits of a change or the costs of not making a change can be accurately calculated.

Refactoring toward deeper insight needs to become part of the ongoing exploration of the subject matter of the domain, the education of the developers, and the meeting of the minds of developers and domain experts.

Therefore, refactor when

  • The design does not express the team's current understanding of the domain;
  • Important concepts are implicit in the design (and you see a way to make them explicit); or
  • You see an opportunity to make some important part of the design suppler.

This aggressive attitude does not justify any change at any time. Don't refactor the day before a release. Don't introduce "supple designs" that are just demonstrations of technical virtuosity but fail to cut to the core of the domain. Don't introduce a "deeper model" that you couldn't convince a domain expert to use, no matter how elegant it seems. Don't be absolute about things, but push beyond the comfort zone in the direction of favoring refactoring.

Crisis as opportunity

For over a century after Charles Darwin introduced it, the standard model of evolution was that species changed gradually, somewhat steadily, over time. Suddenly, in the 1970s, this model was displaced by the "punctuated equilibrium" model. In this expanded view of evolution, long periods of gradual change or stability are interrupted by relatively short bursts of rapid change. Then things settle down into a new equilibrium. Software development has an intentional direction behind it that evolution lacks (although it may not be evident on some projects), but nonetheless it follows this kind of rhythm.

Classical descriptions of refactoring sound very steady. Refactoring toward deeper insight usually isn't. A period of steady refinement of a model can suddenly bring you to an insight that shakes up everything. These breakthroughs don't happen every day, yet a large proportion of the changes that lead to a deep model and supple design emerge from them.

Such a situation often does not look like an opportunity; it seems more like a crisis. Suddenly there is some obvious inadequacy in the model. There is a gaping hole in what it can express, or some critical area where it is opaque. Maybe it makes statements that are just wrong.

This means the team has reached a new level of understanding. From their now-elevated viewpoint, the old model looks poor. From that viewpoint, they can conceive a far better one. Refactoring toward deeper insight is a continuing process. Implicit concepts are recognized and made explicit. Parts of the design are made suppler, perhaps taking on a declarative style.

Development suddenly comes to the brink of a breakthrough and plunges through to a deep model — and then steady refinement starts again.

Eric Evans, "Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight", in Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, 321-329.

DDD and patterns

Applying analysis patterns

Deep models and supple designs don't come easily. Progress comes from lots of learning about the domain, lots of talking, and lots of trial and error. Sometimes, though, we can get a leg up.

In Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models, Martin Fowler defined his patterns this way:

Analysis patterns are groups of concepts that represent a common construction in business modeling. It may be relevant to only one domain or it may span many domains.

The analysis patterns Fowler presents arose from experience in the field, and so they are practical, in the right situation. Such patterns provide someone facing a challenging domain with very valuable starting points for their iterative development process. The name emphasizes their conceptual nature. Analysis patterns are not technological solutions; they are guides to help you work out a model in a particular domain.

On a mature project, model choices are often informed by experience with the application. Multiple implementations of various components will have been tried. Some of these will have been carried into production and even will have faced the maintenance phase. Many problems can be avoided when such experience is available. Analysis patterns at their best can carry that kind of experience from other projects, combining model insights with extensive discussions of design directions and implementation consequences. To discuss model ideas out of that context makes them harder to apply and risks opening the deadly divide between analysis and design, which is antithetical to MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN.

Analysis patterns are knowledge to draw on

When you are lucky enough to have an analysis pattern, it hardly ever is the answer to your particular needs. Yet it offers valuable leads in your investigation, and it provides cleanly abstracted vocabulary.

When you use a term from a well-known analysis pattern, take care to keep the basic concept it designates intact, however much the superficial form might change. There are two reasons for this. First, the pattern may embed understanding that will help you avoid problems. Second, and more important, your UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE is enhanced when it includes terms that are widely understood or at least well explained. If your model definitions change through the natural evolution of the model, take the trouble to change the names too.

This kind of reapplication of organized knowledge is completely different from attempts to reuse code through frameworks or components, except that either could provide the seed of an idea that is not obvious. A model, even a generalized framework, is a complete working whole, while an analysis is a kit of model fragments. Analysis patterns focus on the most critical and difficult decisions and illuminate alternatives and choices. They anticipate downstream consequences that are expensive if you have to discover them for yourself.

Relating design patterns to the models

The patterns explored in this book so far are intended specifically for solving problems in a domain model in the context of a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN . Actually, though, most of the patterns published to date are more technical in focus. What is the difference between a design pattern and a domain pattern?

Some, not all, of the patterns in Design Patterns can be used as domain patterns. Doing so requires a shift in emphasis. Design Patterns presents a catalog of design elements that have solved problems commonly encountered in a variety of contexts. The motivations of these patterns and the patterns themselves are presented in purely technical terms. But a subset of these elements can be applied in the broader context of domain modeling and design, because they correspond to general concepts that emerge in many domains.

In addition to those in Design Patterns, there have been many other technical design patterns presented over the years. Some of them correspond to deep concepts that emerge in domains. It would be nice to draw on this work. To make use of such patterns in domain-driven design, we have to look at the patterns on two levels simultaneously. On one level, they are technical design patterns in the code. On the other level, they are conceptual patterns in the model.

I'm not going to try to compile a list of the design patterns that can be used as domain patterns. Although I can't think of an example of using an interpreter as a domain pattern, I'm not prepared to say that there is no conception of any domain that would fit. The only requirement is that the pattern should say something about the conceptual domain, not just be a technical solution to a technical problem.

Eric Evans, "Applying Analysis Patterns" and "Relating Design Patterns to the Model", in Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, 293-320.