Friday, October 12, 2018

Prioritize data integrity

Make sure your data is reliable. The only thing worse than having no data is the illusion of having the right data.

Edmond Lau, "Be Skeptical about Data Integrity", in The Effective Engineer:
How to Leverage Your Efforts In Software Engineering to Make a Disproportionate
and Meaningful Impact
, 78.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Microservices migration

Increment's issue on cloud computing has an interesting article about cloud migration, containing case studies from different companies. One special thing to notice is that many aspects of the stories resemble things that I've also heard or saw about microservices migration. Given the move various startups are taking in the path of breaking monoliths, it's worth reading the article just changing the word "cloud" by "microservices" and learn from the experiences reported.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

About blogs and books

The first post I published in this blog was about the importance of reading technical books. It was written in portuguese, but I've always wanted to translate it to English, or at least create an English version. Time has passed and, for various reasons, it hasn't happened, but I think it's not necessary anymore: Phil Caçaldo's post Read The Dinossaurs! already did the job.

I've started to read Phil's blog recently and have enjoyed much of his writings so far. This one, however, captured my attention in a special way, given I'm a passionate for books too. Thanks for that, Phil!

A curious note: I ended my post by mentioning Fred Brooks, whose The Mythical Man Month I had just finished at the time and enjoyed a lot, and Phil's post starts by mentioning exactly the same book. A coincidence that could not have been more appropriate in this case.